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Mobility and Flexibility

con Carga Unilateral


- De pie con abertura de las piernas un poco más, en comparación con la cadera.
- La carga a utilizar es libre, busca tu comodidad.
- La carga se coloca sobre el hombro pero la controla el brazo completo.
- El objetivo es mantener el control del tronco mientras realizas el movimiento con las piernas.


2.1. Para la SENTADILLA

- El pie siempre está en apoyo completo contra el suelo.
- Durante la flexión de las rodillas, estas no deben inclinarse hacia adentro, mantén el control de tu cuerpo.
- La zona lumbar debe permanecer activa y muy controlada evitando perder la extensión.
- Desciende dinámico pero controlando la contracción de tu cuerpo.
- Siempre alterna de lado la carga en cada ronda, y si es un "Trabajo de 3 sets" en la última ronda, puedes alternar la carga.


- La respiración debe ser normal, sin forzar ni agitarse


Movement 2


- Stand upright and arms stretched down.


- The objective is to perform the global movements of the cervical region that are, flexion, extension, rotation, etc.
(1). We must perform the depression or active descent of the shoulders maintaining the dorsal flexion of the hand or holding the hand as shown in the video. (2). The rotational movements must be very controlled, taking special care when performing the backward tilt (extension) of the head.
- If you wish, you can do it step by step, first extend your arm and then rotate with your head. The sensation should be on your neck and even on your arm. With this you can identify how and what type of stress you are presenting. Ex: If you feel the tension or tingling sensation at the level of the arm or hand, you can identify that there is indeed a nerve compression (pinching of the nerve, it can be Median or Axillary nerve)
- The rhythm or speed of execution must be slow, conscious, continuous. Connect with your body.


- The steps are: Inhale> Exhale> Mobilize> Hold for 3 to 5 sec. 
(If you feel a lot of tension I recommend that at the point of greatest tension you hold / hold and repeat the steps of inhaling / exhaling slowly. Try to feel the tension release from the tissues.) 
- Breathing should be normal, without forcing or shaking, connect with it, try to feel how oxygen influences energy and muscle relaxation.

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